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how dance, yoga, improvisation & meditation

can bring clarity, power & creative agency

more boldly into our lives.

In collaboration with the incomparable ERIC GEIGER  

DEC 6-8 at The Feldenkrais Institute

Hillcrest. San Diego, CA

WHO is this immersion FOR?

  • For dancers, art makers & creatives who are interested in embodied experimentation that is less habitual, in looking more deeply at how their mind works, and who is curious about how creativity and spiritual life intersect.


  • For yogis and meditators who are interested in deepening their practice through gates of entry that look different than the ones they might be used to, and who are curious about how their spiritual practices and creativity, expressed in all facets of their life, are connected.


  • For anyone who loves to move their body and their heart & mind in novel and pleasurable ways that can lead to connection with self, community and insight.  


  • No previous dance or yoga experience necessarily!  Seriously.  This immersion is interested in accessibility.  It is an intergenerational space for all ages, 16 & up.  Ask Sarah or Eric if you have particular questions or concerns.  

       BE BRAVE.


  • Friday - Sunday, Dec 6-8, 2024

    • Friday Evening: ​5-7:30pm

    • Saturday:

      • 9am-Noon


      • 1:15-4:30pm

    • Sunday Morning: 10am-12:30pm

  • We will begin and end on time; please be mindful of this.  Due to the intimate nature of this ​kind of practice, we will close the door to late arrivals once our process is underway.


  • Feldenkrais Institute in Hillcrest, 3680 Sixth Ave, San Diego, CA 92103


    • Please plan ahead!  This is a street parking situation in a very urban area.​  

      • And note that​ we will begin and end on time; please be mindful of this.  Due to the intimate nature of this ​kind of practice, we will close the door to late arrivals once our process is underway.

    • In the neighborhood, you'll find a combination of free parking, metered parking, and small pay lots.

    • There are a fair amount of free parking spaces as you enter Balboa Park on Balboa Drive, which you can do just a few blocks from Feldenkrais Institute as you're driving southbound on 6th Avenue (a one way street that only runs southbound).  From there, you could plan on walking 10-20 minutes up to Feldenkrais Institute, depending on the ultimate location of your parking spot.


Eric Geiger & Sarah Clark are both life long dancers and very long time teachers.  They both wound their way from New York City to San Diego in that process.  Sarah has been religiously practicing improvisational, contact & modern dance weekly with Eric in his Wednesday morning class for several years.  Sarah has been struck again and again at the fascinating and illuminating interplay between the dharma & yoga wisdom practices she loves & more typically teaches and the way Eric leads a dance practice with such warmth, curiosity, skillfulness and depth.  Sarah has been stewing on this collaboration for awhile and is thrilled by the opportunity to bring this immersion to the San Diego community alongside Eric; Sarah essentially believes that the combination of what we'll explore together over this weekend is just about the most magical stew of practices that lend themselves to embodied pleasure and earth shifting insight that she can basically imagine.



This immersion is offered on a sliding scale as an expression of dana, or wise generosity, as Sarah has learned and practiced it in the dharma tradition.  Dana (pronounced dah-nah) is an expression of both giving and receiving, generously.  Teachings are offered freely, and your financial generosity is deeply appreciated. 


The suggested amount for this immersion is $125-275.  The encouragement is to give generously as you are able, AND without undue strain or regret; some will give less while others give more.  


Thank you very much for your support.


  • ​Ethics

    • We will aim to uphold the primary ethical practices from both the yoga & dharma tradition throughout ​this immersion.  They are:

      • cause the least amount of harm possible

      • honesty

      • not taking what is not freely offered

      • using sexual and creative energy wisely

      • generosity

      • refrain from intoxicants that cloud the mind

  • Illness Policy

    • Not feeling well?  Please stay home.  And let us know if you need some support!  ​​Email Sarah​​

  • Attendance 

    • Can't make the entire immersion, but still want to participate when you can?  This is not ideal, but Email Sarah​​ with your particulars and let's discuss it. 

Please note, space is limited.  Register ⬇️ 

 complete the following 2 steps to register

first class legs extended-4.jpg
buddha altar centre of gravity.jpeg

Step 1: Complete Registration Form

Step 2: Offer Dana / make a payment

to EITHER Sarah or Eric.

Please note "IMMERSION" with your payment.

  • Or, you can find Eric on Venmo @Eric-Geiger-19.

Reminder: the suggested amount for this immersion is $125-275.  The encouragement is to give generously as you are able, AND without undue strain or regret.


There are a limited number of spaces.

Because this is a 3 day immersion, we want folks to be able to adequately plan, should last minute spots become available;

therefore, NO REFUNDS after Nov 28th.


If we sell out, we'll create a wait list!

we can't wait to practice with you.

 past immersions:

Begin a Meditation Practice: Wrkshp

Begin a Meditation Practice: Wrkshp

Begin a Meditation Practice: Workshop

PATH as GUIDE immersion

PATH as GUIDE immersion

child walking on sunlit path

Restorative Yoga Teacher Training

Restorative Yoga Teacher Training

Restorative Yoga Teacher Training

clarity collective, text studies

What is Mindfulness?: Workshop

What is Mindfulness?: Workshop

What is Mindfulness?: Workshop

Full Week Yoga & Meditation Intnsv

Full Week Yoga & Meditation Intnsv

Full Week Yoga & Meditation Intensive

Hands On Assistance for Yoga Teacher

Hands On Assistance for Yoga Teacher

Hands On Assistance for Yoga Teachers, Part 1

Hands On Assistance for Yoga Teacher

Hands On Assistance for Yoga Teacher

Hands On Assistance for Yoga Teachers, Part 2

Farm To Yoga: Practice, Tour, Dinner

Farm To Yoga: Practice, Tour, Dinner

Farm To Yoga: Practice, Tour & Dinner

Eight Limbs of Yoga: Workshop

Eight Limbs of Yoga: Workshop

Eight Limbs of Yoga: Workshop

New to Yoga: Workshop

New to Yoga: Workshop

New to Yoga: Workshop

w h a t    w e    A R E    i s    m u c h    m o r e    l i k e    w a t e r    t h a n    s t o n e s.

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