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interconnected yoga teacher training

Interconnected Yoga is 

rooted in embodied inquiry; it is a breath-centered, mindful 

vinyasa style of yoga

that that draws on all 8 limbs of yoga and buddhist practices for awakening.


Interconnected Yoga

is interested in the way that mind & body practices- 

from ethics to asana to seated meditation- 

make for clearer seeing and more skillful actions in our life, families, and greater communities.


Interconnected Yoga Teacher Training’s mission is 

to educate and inspire

experienced, passionate yogis

who wish to pursue meaningful work in their lives.


Interconnected Yoga Teacher Training is a 200- & 300-hour school accredited by Yoga Alliance.

Sarah currently has
NO 200-hour or
teacher trainings scheduled.

Running the school is not high in the queue for Sarah at this time.
Should that shift, it will be posted here first! 
trainee studying handstand

trainee studying handstand

IYTT 2014 adho mukha svanasana

IYTT 2014 adho mukha svanasana

handstand assist

handstand assist

buddha altar at centre of gravity

buddha altar at centre of gravity

planting seeds: love and wisdom

planting seeds: love and wisdom

trainee studying text

trainee studying text

bones, anatomy IYTT

bones, anatomy IYTT

w h a t    w e    A R E    i s    m u c h    m o r e    l i k e    w a t e r    t h a n    s t o n e s.

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